» Space & satellite technologies
» Testing and validation
» Electronics, Microelectronics
» ICT applications
» Electronic authentication
» Artificial intelligence/robotics
» Cyber security
» Smart Systems
» Radio Frequency (RFID)
Core competencies
Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering (DMAE) is one of the leading European centres of microwave and antenna engineering. It is a part of Electronics, Telecommunication and Informatics (ETI) faculty within Gdansk University of Technology (GUT). Our team conducts scientific research and projects with partners around the globe, develops new products and commercializes innovations in companies. Since 2004 almost 30 innovative solutions were successfully commercialized (in the domain of wireless technologies). Part of research expertise is connected with reconfigurable antennas and algorithms for wireless embedded devices to provide localization capabilities for healthcare applications (for Philips Healthcare, Eindhoven, NL), secure and reliable wireless communication V&V (e.g. in collaboration with DLR) and dedicated security mechanisms (for Navtor, Egersund, NO and Airbus, Munich, DE) and also inexpensive distributed wirelessly connected embedded systems for precise sensor localization (for AVL, Graz, AT).
We are able to support proposals where an expertise in secure wireless systems is essential. The potential topics for collaboration related to this area are as follows:
-autonomous inspection - autonomous vehicles/drones equipped with a number of dedicated sensors e.g. radars, lidars, cameras and secure wireless communication modules for inspection of critical areas like energy plants, ports, airports etc.
-wireless communication security mechanisms - e.g. jamming detection and mitigation, post-quantum cryptography and utilization of explainable AI to increase the communication reliability,
-wireless communication V&V methodology - weve developed a novel methodology and a dedicated tool called PhyWiSe Tool for wireless communication security testing in a virtual environment, especially w.r.t. potential interferences like jamming attacks,
-low-cost embedded positioning solutions - single-anchor IoT modules for sensors localization dedicated mainly for indoor applications or harsh environments where GNSS is not sufficient .
We have proven competences with regard to different EU projects (5 on-going) from FP7, ARTEMIS, ECSEL and national grants so were quite keen on the contributions related to the project proposal preparation as well as the project realization.