» Forensic technologies
» Digital forensics
» Law enforcement
» Cyber security
Core competencies
Regional Police Headquarters based in Radom is an uniformed and armed force with fulfilling their tasks under the
Act of Police (6th April 1990). The Masovian garrison employs 6,500 officers and employees of the Police.
The basic objectives and tasks of the KWP Radom include:
1) protection of life and health of people and property of citizens against unlawful attacks on these goods;
2) protection of public safety and order in public places, road traffic, in the water intended for general use;
3) initiating and organising activities aimed at preventing the commission of crimes and offences as well as
criminogenic phenomena and cooperation in this field with state, self-government and social institutions;
4) prosecution of perpetrator of a crimes and detection of crimes and offences;
5) collaboration with police forces of other states/countries and international organisations.
Our mission is to improve the state of security and public order through effective prevention of infringements of the
law, improvement of detection work, activities in the area of education and prevention, reduction of the most
troublesome crime. Achieve the results required through continuous professional development of police officers and
employees, promotion of good practices, good financial and property management. We have experience in projects
in the field of security, combating terrorism, prevention of all kinds of crime, whether among children, young
people, the elderly or organised crime. We have also implemented projects in the field of road safety, as well as
many campaigns against addictions among young people, increasing the awareness and safety of the elderly and
many others.