» Scenario development and decision support
» Foresight systems
» Policy development
» Testing and validation
Core competencies
LGI is a French SME dedicated to innovation management in general, with focus on EU research
management. We have been (and are) involved in more than 20 FP6/FP7 projects in the fields of
security, nuclear, infrastructures, etc. A few examples are given here.
- FP7-SECURITY: LGI coordinates the BIO-PROTECT project (development of bioagent detection
capability for anti-CBRN terrorism) and leads the database development
- FP7-EURATOM: since 2008, LGI coordinates the Secretariat of the Nuclear Technology Platform
SNETP (Platform organization & support, including the publication of strategic documents)
- LGI also get involved to execute specific studies (technology roadmaps; business modeling &
techno-economic analyses; system analyses; and so on)
- Last but not least, we benefit from established contacts with a number of law enforcement
administrations in several EU countries, which could be brought in as contributors or advisors in EU
security research projects