» Space & satellite technologies
» Policy development
» Sensor equipment and technologies
» ICT applications
» Communication equipment and technologies
» Radio Frequency (RFID)
» Social Sciences
Core competencies
Research work in Telecommunications
Dr Konstantinos Katzis is currently working on developing novel access schemes employing dynamic spectrum access
for cognitive radio networks. He is also working towards the development of 5G architectures (using multi-layered
aerial platforms) and wireless communications using TV White Space Spectrum (TVWS) from aerial platforms. He has
been working towards the development of highly efficient resource allocation techniques as well as handoff
techniques optimised for the operation of High Altitude Platform communication systems. His work, involved modelling
of the platform movements and simulating the effects on the communications. He currently holds the position of the
secretary in IEEE1900.6 standard and he is also MC member of COST action CA15014 (Inclusive Radio Communications -
IRACON). Recently, he has been awarded with the Fulbright Visiting Scholar fund for his proposal “Requirement
Analysis of 5G Networks Supporting IoT-Health Applications” in collaboration with the Information Technology
Laboratory (ITL) of the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) in Washington DC (USA). Dr Konstantinos
Katzis is an Associate Professor at European University Cyprus.
Previous work focused on “Resource Allocation Techniques for High Altitude Platforms” which dealt, for the first time,
with the design of novel channel allocation techniques optimised for a High Altitude Platform architecture. Aspects of
the telecommunication link, like wave propagation, antenna design and radio interference were considered to
maximise user capacity and optimise system network performance. More specifically his work in this project was to
model the three-dimensional communication system that includes ground users, ground base stations and a network of
flying aerial platforms. It focused on providing service to maximum number of users and at the same time avoiding
dropping any connected users. It simulated the movement of ground users and the positional and orientational
movement of the flying platform. The model was implemented in MATLAB and C/C++ using C-MEX functionality. Traffic
was based on Poisson Distribution for arrival and Exponential Distribution for the duration of the connection of the
users. Results based on this novel channel allocation algorithm, showed clearly the optimum way to allocate users into
different cells in order to ensure the best quality of service.
Research on Engineering Education
Dr Katzis has been working towards increasing attractiveness of the Engineering discipline within Europe. Dr Katzis has
been an active member of the EUGENE Network that aimed in improving the impact of European Engineering
Education (EE) on competitiveness, innovation and socio-economic growth in a global context. His work looked on the
role of school counsellors in Cypriot high schools advising towards engineering disciplines. Results have been published
in various conferences. He is currently involved with ERASMUS+ Projects: EL-STEM and StemItUp.
Research on Social Inclusion
Dr Katzis is currently involved in a project looking at the social inclusion of the elderly using technological means. The
aim of this work is to conduct a social service related research to familiarise the elderly with the current mobile
phone technology and stress out how it can improve their lives. Furthermore, it will look into why they have not used
this technology so far for their benefit and what elderly are expecting from it. This is project funded by EUC in
collaboration with the municipality of Nicosia and it’s Multipurpose Centre.