» Forensic technologies
» Biometry
» Digital forensics
» Scenario development and decision support
» Foresight systems
» Policy development
» Testing and validation
» Law enforcement
» Detection technologies
» Radio Frequency (RFID)
Core competencies
The federal police and the local police make up the integrated police, structured on two levels: a federal level and a local level, which is composed of local police corps in charge of their own districts called police zones. Although they are autonomous, both levels work in close cooperation and complement each other. No hierarchical link binds them.
The integrated police was created by the law of 7 December 1998 organizing an integrated police service structured on two levels.
Police locale et police fédérale assurent ensemble la fonction de police intégrée.
The local police are made up of a large number of police zones on the whole Belgian territory.
They carry out both judicial and administrative basic police missions on the territory of the police zones and perform the 7 basic police tasks, i.e. community policing, assistance, intervention, assistance to victims, local investigations, maintenance of law and order and road traffic.
Integrity, impartiality and a sense of responsibility are the core values of the federal police.
The federal police carry out specialised judicial and administrative missions and deal with all crime phenomena beyond the local level. The federal police also perform operational, administrative or logistic support missions.
To this end, the federal police are composed of a variety of directorates, units and services, which are in charge of providing a wide range of support, be it operational or other, to the local police corps. Finally the federal police have authority to represent all the Belgian police services within the framework of international police cooperation.