» ICT applications
» Software, Data Processing
Core competencies
SV Group d.o.o. is a project oriented information company founded in 1995.
SV Group d.o.o. provides you with:
◦Application development,
◦Innovative, reliable IT solutions based on proven technologies and concepts adjusted to your specific business
◦Supervision of information projects and solutions design and implementation (‘Software Quality Assurance – SQA’),
◦Sale of hardware, software and services: ◦Hardware (IBM System z, IBM Power Systems, IBM System Storage),
◦IBM Software (B2B Integration, Information Management software, Lotus software, Rational software, Tivoli
software, WebSphere software, System z software, SPSS software),
◦VMware software
◦Microsoft software
◦RedHat software
◦Services provided by our certified experts, IBM services and services provided by our partners,
◦Enterprise content management (ECM),
◦IT asset management,
◦IT infrastructure virtualisation,
◦Secure data back up,
◦Proactive IT system and application monitoring,
◦Proactive and reactive support and maintenance of SV Group applications (Life Insurance, Office Management, Call
Centre, New Croatian Personal Identity Card, Personal Identity Card for Foreigners, Croatian Passport, National
Management Information System – NBMIS), Statistical Monitoring of Visits to Web Sites – S3a, and other application
system solutions.