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The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) (Penn State)

School of Public Affairs, Department of Homeland Security

Organisation Type

Penn State Harrisburg -- School of Public Affairs, 77
MIddletown, PA, United States of America
[email protected]


Contact person

Prof. Dr. Alexander Siedschlag (Professor and Chair of Homeland Security)

Field of Activity

» Scenario development and decision support
» Foresight systems
» Policy development

» Human Sciences
» Social Sciences
» Political Sciences
» Ethic Research

Core competencies

Alexander Siedschlag was appointed the interim director of the School of Public Affairs, effective July 1, 2018. He is
Professor of Homeland Security and Public Health Preparedness, in a joint appointment with the Department of
Public Health Sciences at the School of Medicine, and is chair of the inter-college Master of Professional Studies
Program in Homeland Security (iMPS-HLS). He also is a guest lecturer at NATO School Oberammergau/Bavaria,

Born in what was then the American Sector of the city of West Berlin, he holds a masters degree and a doctoral
degree in political science, sociology and psychology from the University of Munich and a venia legendi
(“habilitation”) for political science from Humboldt University Berlin. He was most recently professor for Security
Research and Chair of the Center for European Security Studies (CEUSS) at Sigmund Freud University, Vienna.

A former NATO research fellow, Alexander Siedschlag started his career as a strategic analyst and then worked in
the field of theories and methods of international politics as well as of the European Security and Defence Policy.
Appointments included the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Ebenhausen/Germany, the Hochschule für
Politik München and the University of Innsbruck. He then expanded his scope to include civil security research and
has also served as an evaluator for the European Commission in the Preparatory Action (PASR) and the Security
research theme in the 7th EU Framework Programme.

In his scholarly work, Alexander Siedschlag has recently concentrated on strategic cultures and security cultures;
scenario foresight; methods of civil security research; disaster management, including the use of new social media;
as well as on civil-military relations in crisis management. He has so far authored six monographs, over 100 articles,
and edited twelve anthologies. Beyond his current focus on Ph.D teaching and advising in Sigmund Freud
University’s premium track in security research, Alexander Siedschlag has a long standing strong record in academic
teaching in international relations and security, and in extramural lecturing, including the former European Security
and Defence Assembly, the National Defence Academy Vienna, and NATO School.

Alexander Siedschlag served as the coordinator of the EU co-funded security research project FOCUS (2011-2013) on
foresight security scenarios to plan for research in support of “European Union 2035” security roles, and their
technological, social, and other requirements – including a string transatlantic perspective. This project brought
together thirteen partners from eight countries, including big industry, SME, academia, and think tanks. He was a
member of the science commission for the Austrian Minister of Defense, and a member in the working group
“education and research” within the Austrian federal ICT security strategy. He further served a term as the
Chairman of the Bavarian branch of the German United Nations Association.

Fields of expertise:

comparative homeland security
civil security research
strategic and security cultures
scenario foresight
methods of civil security research
disaster management, including the use of new social media
civil-military relations in crisis management

Selected publications:

Homeland and Civil Security Research Studies for an Evolving Mission Space: Introduction and Overview of Articles,
in Alexander Siedschlag (ed.) Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Homeland and Civil Security. A Research-Based
Introduction. New York: Peter Lang, 2015, pp. 1-19.
(with Andrea Jerković) Use of Drones in Homeland Security - A Comparative Perspective on Use of Security
Technology and its Legal, Public Policy, and Ethical Aspects, in Alexander Siedschlag (ed.) Cross-disciplinary
Perspectives on Homeland and Civil Security. A Research-Based Introduction. New York: Peter Lang, 2015, pp. 128-
(compiler) Glossary, in Alexander Siedschlag (ed.), Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Homeland and Civil Security.
A Research-Based Introduction. New York: Peter Lang, 2015, pp. 247-257.
(compiler) Homeland and Civil Security Learning and Research Guide, in Alexander Siedschlag (ed.), Cross-
disciplinary Perspectives on Homeland and Civil Security. A Research-Based Introduction. New York: Peter Lang,
2015, pp. 281-296.
Politische Institutionalisierung und Konflikttransformation. Leitideen, Theoriemodelle und europäische Praxisfälle
(Political Institutionalization and Conflict Management in the New Europe: Ideas, Theories, and Empirical Cases).
Opladen: Leske + Budrich 2000. (= Habilitation book, Humboldt University Berlin.)
NATO Meets the Post-strategic Condition. Political Vicissitudes and Theoretical Puzzles in the Alliances First Wave
of Adaptation, 1990-1997. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction and Münster: Lit, 1998.
Neorealismus, Neoliberalismus und postinternationale Politik. Beispiel internationale Sicher-heit - theoretische
Bestandsaufnahme und Evaluation (Neorealism, Neo-liberal-ism and Post-international Politics. International
Security as an Example - Theoretical Account and Evaluation). Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1997. (= Ph.D thesis,
University of Munich.)
International non-proliferation policy and the United Nations security system after 9/11 and Iraq, in Hans Koechler
(ed.), The Use of Force in International Relations. Challenges to Collective Security. Vienna: International Progress
Organization, 2006, pp. 23-39.
Germany: from a reluctant power to a constructive power?, in Emil J. Kirchner & James Sperling (eds.): Global
Security Governance. Competing Perceptions of Security in the 21st Century. London et al.: Routledge, 2007, pp.
Digital democracy and its application to the international arena - from deliberation to decision, in Myriam Dunn,
Sai Felicia Krishna-Hensel & Victor Mauer (eds.): The Resurgence of the State. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007, pp. 35-58.
Report on the worldwide real-virtual colloquium The United Nations and the Information Age - Education for the
Next Generation of the Peoples of the United Nations, held in November 2007, Wels, Austria, in Diplomatic
Academy Vienna (ed.): Can the United Nations be taught? Vienna, 2009 (= Favorita Papers; 1/2009), pp. 53-57.
European citizens security - a perception, The European. Security and Defence Union, 2/2010, pp. 27-28.
Security policy - an analytical approach, in Josef Schroefl & Dieter Muhr (eds.): From Asymmetric to Hybrid and
Cyber Warfare. New York: Peter Lang, 2011, pp. 15-22.
Social media and citizen emergency culture: some lessons from digital democracy research, Journal of Homeland
Security, Special Issue: Catastrophes and Complex Systems: Transportation. DHS University Network Summit, April
(with Rosemarie Stangl, Diana Silvestru, Florian Fritz & Andrea Jerkovic) Comprehensive security research to
contribute to critical infrastructure protection. Contributions to security governance in disaster risk reduction, in:
Interpraevent (ed.): Grenoble 2012 12th Congress INTERPRAEVENT. Conference Proceedings 23rd to 26th April
Grenoble - France, Vol. 1. Klagenfurt: International Research Society INTERPRAEVENT, 2012, pp. 585-596.
The concept of security in the EU, in Maximilian Edelbacher et al. (eds.): Global Security and the Financial Crisis.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), 2012, pp. 51-63.
Foresight security scenarios to plan for research to support roles of the EU 2035 as a comprehensive security
provider, Information & Security, 29 (2013), pp. 5-18.
Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Homeland and Civil Security: a Research-Based Introduction. New York: Peter
Lang, 2015. Methoden der sicherheitspolitischen Analyse (Methods of Security Studies). 2nd edition. Wiesbaden:
Springer VS, 2014.
Scenario-based Security Foresight, special issue, Information & Security, No. 29, 2013.
Methoden der sicherheitspolitischen Analyse (Methods of Security Studies). 2nd edition. Wiesbaden: Springer VS,
Scenario-based Security Foresight, special issue, Information & Security, No. 29, 2013.

Horizon Europe Research Focus

RTD Experience

  Project Coordinator Project Partner Project Acronyms
Horizon Europe-Security FOCUS (Coordinator)
CPSI (Partner)
VITRUV (Partner)
CAST (Partner)
National Security Research Projects KIRAS (Austria): SFI@SFU

Inserted / Updated
2012-05-31 / 2018-10-17