» Forensic technologies
» Digital forensics
» ICT applications
» Intelligence systems
» Cyber security
» Software, Data Processing
» Social Sciences
Core competencies
AEGIS IT RESEARCH is a research and development company based in UK and Germany developing and
managing innovative IT solutions for numerous business sectors. It is based on a highly effective professional
team consisting of talented researchers and top-class IT experts from all over the world. This team empower
the company with a strong, diverse skill set which helps AEGIS offer innovative products and high-tech business
solutions to the market.
AEGIS’ main areas of expertise include digital forensic analysis and technologies, adaptive Big Data
visualization systems, Geographical Information Systems, secure embedded platforms, access control and
network security systems, privacy preserving systems, enterprise web applications and all the lifecycle of IT
systems (design, development, deployment, optimisation and maintenance). AEGIS also has a long-term
involvement in security solutions offering both consulting services (e.g. forensics investigation, penetration
testing, design and implementation of secure network solutions, etc.), and systems such as the virtual firewall
and the secure gateway. Moreover, it has a long-term involvement in offering Big Data visualization services in
several domains like energy, telecommunications, health, smart factories and banking/finance.
AEGIS has designed and implemented the AEGIS Advanced Visualization Toolkit (AVT) that is an extensible
product with a wide application scope, ranging from Digital Forensic Analysis to Big Data Visualizations. The
toolkit was used as a Forensic Tool Against Illegal Use of the Internet (ForToo H2020 project) and is currently
being expanded to support Forensic Analysis of Security Incidents on Critical Infrastructures (CIPSEC H2020
project), like Health and Energy. It is also adapted to support the visualisation of Big Data analytics as part of a
compete and Industrial-Driven Big Data as a Self-Service Solution (I-BiDaaS H2020 project). For the latter, it
offers detailed and advanced views for both batch and stream processing data, reduces the cognitive load on
the user and enables them to get hidden insights, thus facilitating the decision-making process of addressing
problems in Finance, Manufacturing and Telecommunications industrial domains.