» Policy development
» Law enforcement
» Human Sciences
» Social Sciences
» Political Sciences
Core competencies
Doç. Dr. Giray Sadik is Associate Professor and Vice Chair in the Department of International Relations in the Faculty
of Political Science at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University (AYBU), Turkey. He was previously a Swedish Institute
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Global Political Studies at Malmö University, Sweden. Dr. Sadik received
his PhD in Political Science from the University of Georgia, USA, specializing in International Relations and
Comparative Politics. In addition to his various international publications, he was a contributing editor to a book on
hybrid threats titled Europes Hybrid Threats: What Kinds of Power Does the EU Need in the 21st Century?
(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, 2017). In addition to his research, advising, and teaching as a full-time faculty
member at AYBU. Dr. Sadik was a partner of successfully completed Jean Monnet Chair Project titled Building
Bridges with Europe and World (2014-2017). Dr. Sadik is a partner of ongoing (2017-2020) Heart of Anatolia Jean
Monnet European Center of Excellence, ANAMER at AYBU, where he conducts research and teaches graduate courses
on European security and foreign policy, Transatlantic relations, and hybrid threats such as the ones stemming from
mass refugees and terrorism. In 2017, ANAMER was awarded Jean Monnet EU Center of Excellence with partners
from different European and regional countries including the UK, Turkey, France, Greece, and Lebanon.